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“My Favourite Friends” , loved by York Fine Arts

Chosen by: Deanna Dawkins, Gallery Manager

“I have a real soft spot for Amanda’s work. Her ability to stimulate such an intense rush of nostalgia and emotion with a single glance is truly astounding. I find this piece particularly endearing; two beloved characters of childhood tales act as sentinel bookends, lovingly keeping watch over the collection of classics between them. My imagination instantly begins to run wild, traversing my own childhood memories before diving headfirst into the adventures held within the well-turned, leather bound pages.” 

A big thank you to Deanna at York Fine Arts for featuring this painting. I love this response because it reflects, in a nutshell, the thought I put into the work. These characters are indeed looking after more than just our treasured old books, the whole experience of curiosity, discovery and connections made in childhood are here. Everyone viewing the painting will have their own memories to bring to it. I love that.

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